Sales Coaching
Sales Coaching?
Many business owners act as the sales manager among the 15 other things they do, frustrating themselves and jeopardizing their revenue stream in the process. Alternatively the cost of an inexperienced or bad sales manager can be even more frightening.
With our proven Sales Training you combat:
Leakage: You are losing deals and don’t know it.
Turnover: No skill development of staff, and the good ones will quit.
Time ROI: Not highest and best use of your time to play sales manager. The CEO needs to run the business, not the sales function.
Headaches & Distraction. If you are only ½ managing sales, there’s money on the table.
Your business is missing out: Your staff are under-performing.
Process Issues: Holes in your sales process never get fixed and they affect your whole company as well as your customers.